Earlier this year, Microsoft announced the end-of-life date for Windows 10. Windows 10 was released to the public in July of 2015. After the planed 10 years of service, it will be retired on October 14, 2025.
This end of life means Microsoft will no longer produce or distribute security updates after October 14, 2025. With security issues no longer being patched or repaired, this creates a significant opportunity for hackers and other malicious actors. Additionally, just one PC on a network running an end-of-life system makes the entire network non-compliant with HIPAA, PCI, cybersecurity insurance, or other security compliances. Until October 2025, these systems include Windows 7 or older and Windows Server 2012 or older. After the end-of-life date, Windows 10 will be added to that list.
What actions need to be taken to remain compliant and secure?
· If PC is capable, upgrade to Windows 11.
· If the PC does not support Windows 11, retire, replace or upgrade the PC.
Windows 11 system requirements are available at: