Chiropractic Clinics

Do you manage or operate a chiropractic clinic?

Have you found that many support teams do not understand your unique needs?

Our team provides I.T. Support to over 15 chiropractic clinics, and has provided consultation to a variety of others across multiple states. We understand the needs and demands of a busy chiropractic clinic and have developed processes and systems to create a stable and reliable system.

Industry specific experience

Chiropractic clinics use a wide variety of software and vendors in their practices. Our team has experience with multiple industry specific technology providers to provide seamless support with their teams. Some of these software vendors include:

Office Configuration

Looking to open a new clinic or optimize your present clinic performance and infrastructure? Our team has provided scalable solutions working with peer-to-peer workgroups, cloud based services, and client/server architectures. We can recommend and implement the best solution to fit your needs and fit your budget.